Monday, December 7, 2015


I hate upgrading a lot of my things, probably with the exception of my camera.  (I cried when I had to buy my new hybrid car in 2012.)  I'm generally happy with what I have, even if it no longer works.  Today, I got my new phone and knew it was time to face the truth: there's no going back.  I already knew that upgrading my phone was inevitable.  (I feel so sad.)  I've had my old smart phone since Thanksgiving 2009 and I think it could last me a couple of more years. It does 90% of what I want it to do (talk, text, and some web surfing), and it fits into my palm.  It's outdated, I know it is.  But, again, I'm not that reliant on my phone and it does the basic things I want it to do.

So why update?  I had to start thinking about interfacing and how I needed to make my life a lot more seamless.  For example, since my phone was so old, I couldn't connect to my work calendar; thus, I had to keep three calendars, or worse, just try and remember that I didn't have anything important scheduled.  It was also harder for me to do a more effective web search for certain things (e.g. pulling up maps, opening up certain websites for work purposes).  I guess I could try and look on the bright side and think of all the things I could do with this new phone (e.g. join Instagram, take better pictures, easier to surf the web), but I'm still so sad.

Okay, I'll try to be not so sad.  It just takes some getting use to.  I hope you're doing a lot better than me.

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