Sunday, December 6, 2015


Patching a worn red square with blue fabric.
I've mentioned this blanket before.  Even though it isn't my mee maw that made it, I very much cherish it because there's something appealing about it.  I really don't know when it was made (maybe in the late 1990s and early 2000's), but I do know that I took an interest in it around 2009 or 2010 and decided that it was going to be mine and to take good care of it.  It was still in good condition, but I also saw that some of the fabrics were older and worn, so I rarely used it and tried not to wash it often.

The white and striped green fabric above are fraying and need to be patched up.
Some months ago, I noticed that three of the squares were torn and needed to be repaired.  So, today, I stopped being lazy and took some time to patch up the blanket.  Rather than rip out each torn square, I just mended it by appliqueing another piece of fabric on top of each torn square.  Once I was done, it isn't noticeable that the blanket was mended.  I'm happy that I could save this blanket and keep it for posterity.

Do you have any handmade items that you cherish?

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