Saturday, December 5, 2015

O' Christmas Tree

My Mr. Man has a thing about Christmas trees.  He's a stickler about having a real Christmas tree in the house and not a fake one.  Furthermore, it has to be one where he or someone has to cut down and not one that's already pre-cut.  So, each year he takes a bunch a of his nieces and nephews to a tree farm to choose a tree, cut it down, and drag it home.

This year was my first year going with him and the kids.  There was some wind, but it was a mild winter day.  There was still some snow, which allowed us to use a sled to not only pull the kids, but also the chopped down tree.  At its worst, it was very slushy and I wished I had brought my snow shoes.

It didn't take too long for the kids to find a suitable tree.  Once it was found, we got the kids to start sawing away.  Of course, they were only able to saw half way through the trunk and Mr. Man had to finish the rest up.  Then off to pay for the tree, while stopping for some free hot cider.  Before we knew it, we were home bound.

I guess the experience wasn't so bad this year.  Maybe a lot had to do with the mild weather.  Regardless, I already know that this will continue to be an annual tradition.

What tradition do you have each year with your family during the holidays?

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