Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday's Quote: Joseph Kennedy Sr.

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I discovered several weeks ago that an Old Friend was, and probably still is, grieving his heart out. His oldest son passed away over a month ago in a "freak" car accident. His son was still relatively quite young, going on thirty years old. My heart goes out to my Old Friend. And of course, to his son's family and friends.

It's never easy for the old to bury the young. Especially when it's a parent burying their own child. As I thought about my Old Friend and his sad situation, I was reminded of my parents' (they too buried their son). To this day, I know the heartache and sorrow they carry for my brother has not gone away. I think it is something that just is. A different state of being and there's no cure for it.

As a mother to a father, I give my condolences and only wish the best for him and his family. I'm sure my Old Friend has lots of family and friends to lean on for support. And regardless of our spiritual beliefs, I know that love never ends and his son still loves him very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your old friend was indeed very sad for the lost of his son. Perhaps someday his son's soul and his soul will cross path again in the next life. You are such a good friend to always looking from above. I'm pretty he is doing the same.