Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday's Tune: Ocean Eyes

I heard this song sometime last year and meant to blog about it, but I didn't have as much time then. I was so intrigued not only by the singer's voice but also the lyrics. Can you believe that the singer first sang this song when she was thirteen years old and probably recorded the song at that age (or at fourteen years of age)? I think she may be turning eighteen this year (talk about using her time wisely and being productive).

When I heard this song, I immediately thought of my sons and their beautiful eyes. Especially when they were newborns. I remember looking deep into their ocean eyes (although, now that I think about it, I should've done it more), with deep unending knowledge and seeing galaxies in their eyes. I remember it was painful to keep staring into their eyes because there was so much unspoken knowledge and their memories of their spiritual world was still so fresh in their minds. As much as I bemoaned about having to care for my children as babies (e.g. not enough sleep, poopie diapers, throw-up), I miss those days of just being able to hold them in my arms. 

What comes to your mind when you listen to this song?

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