Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday's Quote: Robert Baden-Powell

"The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others." --- Robert Baden-Powell

With Christmas quickly approaching, I have been wondering whether I should buy gifts for my two boys. This is the first year that our little family will be getting our own tree (soon to be explained in a later post). It is also the first time my oldest has an understanding of why he's getting presents in the middle of winter, when it's not his birthday. I love making my boys happy and I love giving them presents. And that, my dear friend, is the reason why I've been debating about giving them presents for Christmas.

I am ashamed to admit it, but their father and I buy them toys all year long. ALL YEAR LONG. Most of the time, they just want little cars, like Matchbox cars. Yet, those cars do add up. They love their new toys and cars for several days, but eventually will move on to the next thing or an old favorite toy. So, I love seeing their faces light up when they get a new toy, but I hate that they get bored of it so soon. I've been wondering if I should try something different, maybe give them experiences and not just toys. I'm also wondering how I could cultivate lessons (e.g. it's better to give than receive) that would warm their heart. I don't know. This has been something I've been wondering about most recently and will try to find a solution. 

Do you have any suggestions for me? 


Anonymous said...

Start and show them while they are still young to give. Perhaps a great way is to have them get involve in selecting a gift for their father and wrapping the gift. Surprising their father with the gift? Let them know its great to give to others. Hope this helps.

My Favorite Things said...

Thank you for the suggestion, Anonymous. It's such a simple solution to my issue and I really appreciate your feedback. I'm going to see if this will work on Father's Day.