Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year's Eve

Have a great New Year's Eve.

I can't believe how fast 2017 came and went. I remember the beginning of the year going by so quick because I was looking forward to giving birth and not being pregnant any more. When my little boy entered into our lives, a quarter of the year already passed. The next thing I knew, my two little boys were taking up all of my time and I only wanted to sleep. I returned to work and then it was the holidays. Suddenly, today is New Year's Eve.  Family-wise, I've had a great year.

In my professional life, I've had a sad, heartbreaking, but eye-opening experience. I had to go deep into myself and ask what it was that I wanted to do with my life. Some truths came to the surface, and I realized that it was time to move on from my organization and my profession. I had to accept the reality that I wasn't going to go any further with my organization and I had to be okay with it. Once, I accepted it, I then started dreaming about what my life could look like, and what exactly I wanted to do with it. 2018 is a time for me to create and bring my dreams into reality.

So how are you? What happened to you in 2017?

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