Thursday, November 30, 2017

Hello, Stranger!

Dear Friend,

I'm sorry that I haven't kept up with my posting.  I've been meaning to.  I noticed that I didn't post a single entry in  October (even though I wanted to), and I am reminded that if I didn't post today (the last day of November), then I wouldn't have posted at all in November.

I didn't mean to ignore you.  I've been busy, and it's not an excuse.  I've just been really busy.  With two babies under the age of two, a full-time job, and many transitions because "life happens," I've had to prioritize.  So, blogging has been put down at the very bottom of the list.

I do want to say that I've thought about this blog a lot.  I've been wanting to share so many stories about my children/parenthood and tell you about the adventures that I've been on.  Yet, finding time to write has been hard, especially when my oldest knows that an open computer means that he can get onto YouTube.  (My oldest also loves taking off the spacebar on the keyboard.)  So, I will try to make some more time to write and post.  Although, I will say that I've been able to post semi-daily pictures in my other media accounts, so I don't feel too bad.  Yet, I do want to post more here.

My children are not only teaching me the principles of patience, but also to be present and to enjoy every moment of every day.  They remind me how much time is passing me by and that I need to just appreciate the time I have.  And I hope you are appreciating your life and I hope you are doing well.  I hope you are enjoying life, laughing, and loving.

Take care,

My Favorite Things 


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear your life be filled with laughter, full of life and love.

My Favorite Things said...

Thank you Anonymous! It's been a busy life, so far. How are you? I'm sure your life is just as busy (with the food cart), full of laughter and love. Take care.