Monday, September 26, 2016

Foot Biter

About a month ago, my son discovered his feet.  Now that he can sit up by himself, he loves bending over and putting his mouth over his foot (as opposed to putting his foot in his mouth).  I'm still amazed at how flexible he is, especially considering how much of a chunky monkey he is. Sometimes, he would rather play with his feet than his toys.  I don't know why, but his feet seem to be a huge source of interest.  I guess, the best thing about him being so interested in his feet is that it provides him with loads of entertainment and it's free.

Everyday, I'm amazed at how fast he's growing and learning things.  I already can't believe how big he's gotten.  Before I know it, I'll be running after him and needing to potty train him.  I'm trying to enjoy every moment while i can.

1 comment:

Aplysia Oceanography said...

maybe he'll lose interest now, now that he can walk