Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday's Tune: Lost Boy

When my sister was here visiting me in June, she said she had listened to this song before it went mainstream.  If you're interested in the updated "mainstream" version, go here.

My Mister Man doesn't like the song because he finds it so sad.  I don't entirely disagree with him. It's a sad song when one thinks about the literal language and the images it paints (e.g. "no place to call home," "soared above the town that never loved me").  Yet, from a broader perspective, I look at the song as someone learning to deal with loneliness, even if it means being a lost boy for a little bit.  Haven't we all been a little lonely and lost?  Sometimes it's during these lonely and lost moments that we discover our own strengths and find out that we weren't really lonely or lost.  Just a little sidetracked.

Let me know what you think of this song.


Anonymous said...

MFT, I thought being alone was a bad thing, however being alone is the best thing that has happen to me. Learning to love myself, try new things and doing things I enjoy without judgment. Sometime all I need is to be alone to reflect on my life thus I can find a solution to my downfalls and make life changes to find happiness.

Once upon of time I asked someone to fly with me perhaps I didn't have the sweetest of smile?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, have you ever though that maybe it had nothing to do with your smile? Maybe that person didn't have faith in flying and just wasn't ready to stretch his/her wings or believe in pixie dust, even if it would have been the best decision s/he could've made?

I'm glad to hear that you've changed your opinion about being alone. :)