Monday, August 22, 2016

Pickled Sport Peppers

Since moving to the Midwest, I learned about Chicago-style hot dogs and pickled sport peppers.  For the longest time, I've been wanting to pickle sport peppers, but couldn't find actual sport peppers.  So, I've opted to do the next best thing, which is just pickle any ole pepper in vinegar.  The peppers I chose to pickle are thinner than jalapenos and serrano peppers, but thicker than Thai chili peppers.  I find that small chili peppers, such as Thai birds-eye peppers, don't pickle well because they become even smaller during the pickling.

I found the following recipe from Liete's Culinaria and modified the pickling method.  I didn't want any sugary tang to the peppers, so I hope that this recipe creates a savory vinegary pepper that I can eat as a condiment.  Yum.

Pickled "Sport" Peppers
Recipe from Liete's Culinaria (method modified)
  • 2 C mixed sport peppers or small, slender Thai chili peppers
  • 1 quart (4 C) white vinegar
  • 2 tsp salt
1.  Wash and trim off green stems.  Put peppers into clean sterilized glass mason jar(s).
2.  In a pan, mix vinegar with salt.  Bring vinegar to a boil.  Salt should be dissolved.
3.  Pour hot vinegar into the jar(s).
4.  Cover and put in the refrigerator, or seal jar(s) according to manufacturer's instruction.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

How long before you can eat these peppers

NFL Fan said...

49ers Game