Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sick Baby

I've been so busy with work and my son that I've had little time to do anything else, which includes blogging, watching the Olympics, or anything that isn't mandatory. 

This weekend, I've been taking care of my son and nursing him back to health because he caught a cold or the flu from his cousin's home.  He had a really high fever and threw up a lot.  His appetite wasn't severely affected, but he was really lethargic.  He just wanted to be held and sleep.

Other than being sick from getting his immunizations, the only other time he became sick was when his cousin gave him pink eye at 2.5 months old.  Like most moms, I fretted over him and worried about his discomfort.  I only wanted him to get better.

Today, it appears that he's really a lot better.  He's smiling again, cooing, and moving around like a busy little bee.  The sun is out shining (it's been raining for the last two days) and I might take him on a walk.  He loves being outside and I can't wait to take him out.  

I know this won't be the end of him getting sick, nor the last time I will nurse him back to health.  I keep telling myself that each time he gets sick, he's only strengthening his immune system.  It's great to see my son happy and healthy again.

I hope all is well with you in your world.  Take care and good health to all.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully he feels better, such a cutie pie!

My Favorite Things said...

He's a lot better now. And he is a cutie pie. Thanks, Anonymous, for your concern. :)