Saturday, July 16, 2016

Blooming Violets

I purchased these African violet plants about a year ago, maybe a year and a half, and I got them for a really great price (probably a dollar for each plant since the store was looking to get rid of the plants).  Originally, I purchased three plants and had to throw one away because it wasn't doing so well.  Thus, I only had these two left.  

The one pictured on the top was doing really well, growing big in size.  The other one, on the bottom, I had worried about.  Then to my surprise, it started blooming flowers.  I guess it's doing well after all.  I wasn't going to throw away the plant, since the leaves still looked healthy, but I didn't think it was going to flower at all.

I'll continue to wait and see if the bigger plant (the one pictured at the top) will eventually flower.  I've just repotted it into a bigger pot.  I'll repot the smaller one at a later time, since it's blooming and I don't want to stress it out.

I guess I shouldn't give up on my plants surprising me.

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