Monday, May 16, 2016

No Garden, Yet

With the birth of my Little One, I haven't had much time to plan or even think about gardening.  Several weeks ago, I picked up some starter plants at a big box store with the hope of planting them that week, but sadly they're still in their containers.  I also have sprouting potato tubers ready to be planted, but I haven't even prepared the soil.  Considering how early spring came this year, I'm soooo behind.

I told myself that I would start my garden this week, but I doubt it's going to happen.  With my Little One, it takes so much planning to just get something done outside of the home, even if it's just in  my backyard.  Maybe I shouldn't give up just yet.  I would like to have a garden this year, even if it's a small one.

Are you gardening this year?

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