Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday's Quote: Bonnie Gallup

Loving one's self is hard.  It was especially hard during my college years.  I really don't think I realized how much I was not in love with myself until several years ago.

Don't misunderstand me.  I liked myself.  I also loved myself too.  Yet, to fall madly in love with myself . . . well, that didn't occur until I was well in my mid-late 30s, and even now, I'm still working on it.

In retrospect, I really would tell my younger self, especially when I was in college, to really really love myself.  I think my lack of self love kept me bound to my boyfriend at the time.  Granted, we both really helped one another grow and we both found support from one another during a time when we both felt that we didn't have too many people to turn to.  At the same time, I can now see that we kept repeating the same mistakes over and over, until I finally left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please don't repeat your mistakes again and love yourself to the fullest!