Saturday, March 19, 2016


I've been nesting.  And yes, I'm announcing that my Mr. Man and I are expecting our first child together.  It's an adventure that we started on together last year and our little one should be here soon. It's been quite an adventure so far, even though it's not one that takes me far away from my home. I've been tired and not really feeling like myself.  So, even though I want to blog more often, write more often, and do activities that I once loved so much (hiking, gardening, reading, photography), I'm feeling like a zombie and have not dune much.  Except for nesting.  Somehow, there's an urge inside of me that makes me want to clean and prepare for my little one.  I guess that's my natural instincts kicking in.

As I've learned to enjoy the adventure I've been on, I'm also ready to have my body back too.  I know my life is going to change drastically once my little one is here, I guess that's probably why I've been so concerned with nesting and getting things ready.  I'll try and blog more, but I can't guarantee.  I hope you're doing well.


Anonymous said...

Hooray it's a boy! Having a kid is a very exciting time. Hopefully after the delivery you will find time to do those things you love so much with your beau AKA Mr. Man.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, thank you for the kind words. I have a feeling it will be a long time before I'm able to do all the things that I want to do. It's okay, though. I'm happy to have my Little One in my life and we'll see what other adventures my Mr. Man and I will have.