Monday, February 29, 2016

A Gift

Taken on February 27, 2016.
This past weekend was a weather showcase of polar opposites.  On Saturday, the weather got up into the high 50s and it really felt like a nice spring day.  I was so glad I took time out of my day to go stroll outside and and to really enjoy the sun.  The skies were so blue and I didn't even need my winter coat.  It was such a gift and I was grateful to Mother Nature  for gifting such a sunny and wonderful day.

Then on Sunday, there were flurries in the morning and the sky remained overcast all day long.  It got colder, obviously if there were flurries, and the wind picked up.  It wasn't as nice as Saturday, but it was a good reminder that it's still winter.

Do you see how the gray sky is reflected in the building windows?  Taken on February 28, 2016.
As I said before, I really looked forward to this winter, but I feel cheated this year because we've had such a mild winter.  With spring just around the corner, I wonder if Old Man Winter will try to throw in one or two more snowstorms before 

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