Monday, September 7, 2015

My Poor Little Plum Tree

Last month, a horrible storm came through and broke the central part of my tree off.  My poor little tree was heavy with unripened fruit and couldn't take the strong winds.  Poor, poor, tree.  I tried to salvage whatever fruit that was left on the broken branch, and then my Mister Man went out and sawed off the broken branch.

It's so sad that I waited five years for my tree to bloom, and it finally bloomed this year and bore fruit, but then had it's main branch break off.  It's gone through so much trauma, although I will continue to hope that it be okay.  I'm afraid what's going to happen next year and I think I'm going to have to tie it down to a pole to give it support.  I'll have to wait and see if it will fruit next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh no!