Sunday, June 28, 2015

Strawberry Jam

Yesterday, with a friend, I finally made strawberry jam again.  Darn good jam.  Sunshine in a jar to be exact.  Homemade goodness that can't be replicated in a factory.

Making jam can be time consuming because there's so much prep work.  Really, the cooking and canning parts are pretty easy, but it's the prep work (e.g. washing and sterilizing the jars and lids, washing and cleaning the fruit, washing dishes) that takes up so much time.  I'm so glad that my friend was able to help and that she was such an attentive learner.  I love teaching and sharing preservation methods and always hope for an interested audience.

Now, I don't exactly have a particular recipe when making plain ole strawberry jam.  I just follow the directions that come with the pectin package.  As for strawberry rhubarb jam, well, I found an awesome recipe and I'll share it with you tomorrow (I hope).

How is your summer so far?  Do you preserve or do anything to save sunshine in a jar?

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