Sunday, May 3, 2015

Plum Tree Update

I planted my Mount Royal plum tree when I first moved to my home.  Every year, I waited for it to flower and last year was the first time it actually flowered, putting forth only a handful of blossoms. Of course, the few blossoms meant there was no fruit.

This year, the tree's covered in flower blossoms; hence, I'm really really hoping that I might actually get a plum or two this year.  The picture doesn't do the tree justice and I know it's hard to see all of the white blossoms on the branches (especially against that bright sky with white clouds).  I thought it was interesting that the blossoms bloomed before the leaves even got a chance to unfurl.  I never knew this because all the previous years, I only got to see the leaves unfurl.

I'm crossing my fingers and am looking forward to fruit this year.  I'll post another update if I actually get some fruit.  So excited.

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