Sunday, March 29, 2015

Training Mode

I've been bad with my diet, especially in the last several months.  My most recent efforts to get into shape has not been successful.  The only way I know how to get back into shape is to put myself onto a training schedule.  So, I'm in training mode.  Beast mode, as my brothers would say.

Today, I'm putting myself on a 10-week half marathon training schedule.  I'm actually using this schedule. Even though the schedule has "beginner" in its title, I think it assumes that the person person following the schedule has been a consistent jogger/runner.  Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend this training schedule for a newbie that has never run a 5k.  I'm really hoping that the longer days will only work in my favor as I try to get back into shape.

Here's to a fitter me in 10 weeks.  How are your diet and exercise regiment?

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