Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday's Quote: Erich Segal

Image credit:  Links2love.come

Sometimes, true love . . . real love . . . comes quietly.  It really isn't about the flash, whistles, bells, or firecrackers that happen when one first sets eyes on another.  Sometimes it's not even about recognizing one's soul mate at first glance and having that instant connection.  

Sometimes, it's recognizing that true love had always been there, always present, especially when everyone else has left.  It's recognizing that it's the love that one takes for granted because the love was always constant and always given so freely.  True love is a love that's so quiet, that it doesn't contain or fence in the other.  It's just there for the giving and taking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give it freely...True that!