Sunday, November 16, 2014

Paj Ntaub (Continued)

I'm continuing with the paj ntaub that I started earlier in the year.  I've realized winter is the best time for me to start and finish these type of projects.  With the landscape looking like a frozen tundra, these types of projects are perfect for the cold season.  Plus, there are just way too many things to do and worry about in the spring and summer; hence, the unfinished project.

I know I'll finish this project by the end of the year (yes, I really will).  Despite the many other things to worry about and the upcoming festivities to partake, I will finish this project by the end of the year. I promise I'll give an update when I actually finish this.  I only wish my sister was participating in a joint project with me (although, we are both enjoying the same books).

How are you doing?  What project are you finishing up?

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