Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday's Quote: Mary Kay Ash

"Give yourself something to work toward - constantly."---Mary Kay Ash

My family and very very close friends will tell you that I have way too many hobbies.  Hobbies that keep me working constantly toward something but hardly ever finishing a project.  I don't know if I should even remind anyone of all my hobbies and unfinished projects (e.g. semi-pieced quilts, furniture need to be reupholstered, Hmong clothes that need to be made).  I'm recognizing I need to stop picking up new hobbies or starting new projects.  I'm also telling myself that I will finish MOST of my projects this winter, and try not to pick up anything new (I can't help it, I'm a naturally curious person). 
If there's anything that I'll keep constantly working toward, it will be my writing.  I've not given up on it, but I haven't been working as hard on it as I should be.  Lately, I'm finding it hard to find inspiration, but I've realized that it may just be a blessing in disguise - I need to focus and work on what I already have.  My writing (becoming a better writer, being published, being successful at writing) is definitely something I'm working towards.
What are you giving yourself to work towards - constantly?

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