Sunday, October 12, 2014

Apple Juice

This year my little apple tree blessed me with loads of apples.  Due to my busy busy schedule, I wasn't able to pick some of the apples.  So, some fell and rotted (boo).  Despite missing out on some apples, I told myself that at the very least I had to turn some of the apples into juice.

With a break in my schedule and my gregarious nephew visiting me over the weekend, it was great timing for making apple juice.  The weather was also wonderful for him to go and pick the apples too.  He came back with pounds and pounds of apples.  Again, with his help, I used a juicer to turn the apples into juice and stored the juice in canning jars.  I could have canned the juice in a hot water bath, but I opted to just freeze the juice.  I ended up with several quarts of juice.  I still have several more pounds of apples left, which I may juice or turn into apple pie filling.  I'm happy to know that I will have lots of homemade apple juice to savor and lift up my spirits during the upcoming months.

Are you preserving any goodness to enjoy in the middle of winter?

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