Monday, October 27, 2014

Mild Autumn

This autumn has been so mild and I'm loving it.  There have been days where the temperatures have been in the 60s and 70s, which is uncommon during this time.  This autumn is reminding me why I should fall in love (again) with this season.

In the past, I've bemoaned autumn so much because it marks the natural transit into winter.  This autumn hasn't been bitter (so far), and I'm not complaining too much about the winter to come.  I'm taking my time to enjoy the wonderful blue skies (the sky gets so blue here), the lovely and colorful leaves, and the cool (but not cold) weather.  I'm actually looking forward to hibernating this winter (despite not looking forward to the snow and ice).  I'm ready to rest, prepare for the new year, and hopefully emerge as a new person in the new year.

How is the autumn in your neck of the woods?

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