Monday, June 2, 2014

A Rock Collection

I've written about the heart shaped rock I found several months ago.  (Right now it's with my dad.)  Since finding that heart shaped rock, I've been on the look out for more heart shaped rocks.  

Since December, I haven't had much luck.  I began looking all over the roads when I'd go jogging.  My sisters and I looked when we were in Texas.  My co-worker even looked for me when she took a trip to San Diego in April.  Then most recently, my luck changed, or maybe I just opened my eyes up a little bit more.

I found one rock earlier last month at my nephew's home, which isn't in the picture.  Then yesterday, while walking the same route I take when jogging, I found the four rocks above.  The top-right rock could be a little questionable, and may require a tiny bit of imagination, but I believe it's a heart shaped rock.

I'm really excited to be starting a collection.  I have a lot of stuff in my home that I don't think is a collection, although others may think otherwise.  At least with this collection, if I no longer want the rocks, I can just throw it outside and it wouldn't pollute the environment.  I'm sure my youngest sister will be more than happy to take the collection from me if I no longer want the rocks.

What are you collecting?

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