Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday's Quote: Winston Churchill

"I am always ready to learn although I do not like being taught."---Winston Churchill

I like to believe that I am a student of life.  I am always willing to learn, especially in the last few years.  I'm noticing that as I get older, I become even more eager to learn and am open to new things/opportunities that come my way.  I don't want to look back and think to myself that I was the cliche - an "old dog" that couldn't be taught a new trick.

Now, just because I'm a willing student doesn't mean that I always like being taught.  Some of the experiences I've gone through have been painful.  I am grateful for the lessons I've learned, but in looking back at some of my life lessons, I sometimes wonder if the lesson could've been taught to me in a different way, a less painful way.  I guess, depending on the lesson, there was no other way to learn it.  For example, I've had to learn through several relationship failures that I don't do well with "little romances."  I somehow get too involved and it's always hard for me to emotionally let go.  I'm just not good with little romances, and I just need to quit with it altogether or maybe I need to build higher walls if I want a little romance.

Regardless, I hope you are always willing to learn.  Have you had any experiences that you hated the teaching process, but loved the lessons learned?

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