Saturday, January 4, 2014

Coast Diaries State Park

Can you imagine yourself spilling all of your secrets at the Coast Diaries State Park?
While in California visiting my family I made plans to spend with a friend.  When my plans fell through, I came up with a back up plan and settled upon visiting Coast Diaries State Park, which is several miles north of Santa Cruz, California.  I picked it as my destination because it had a pretty name (really logical, right?).
There's joy all around my water carafe.
On the morning of my trip, I left by myself and headed out to the park.  My siblings thought I was emo and crazy to go by myself, but why not?  I actually had an ex beau who would take trips by himself because he really wanted to partake in an excursion, even when others refused to go or he had nobody else to go with him.  Well, I really really wanted to go see the ocean, I wasn't going to be stopped, and nobody wanted to go with me.  So, I went by myself.
A cup of coffee with almond milk and a vegetarian noodle salad.
I had forgotten how mountainous and treacherous certain parts of Highway 152 can be (California, you may want to invest in guardrails).  Once I got into Santa Cruz, I headed into the downtown and ate lunch at the Gratitude Cafe.  My lunch was super yummy and the cafe has such a New Age vibe. There were signs all around me, literal signs, telling me to be grateful and that I'll be fine. (My favorite sign said, "All wanderers are not lost.")  So cool. Then off to the Coast Diaries State Park.
 I continued on Highway 1 and when I finally came upon Coast Diaries State Park, I parked my car by the side of the road and headed out.  Funny, but I didn't even know that I found the state park.  I stopped because it was the only spot along Highway 1 that allowed people to have instant access to the ocean.  All other spots required a longish trek to get to the ocean or only allowed one to look at the ocean from a distance.
I (heart) this rock!
Once there, I bathed in the sun, played with the water, and looked for rocks.  I even found a holey heart shaped rock and knew it was meant for me.  I stayed to my heart's content and then I headed back home.  It was such a wonderful trip and good for the soul.  I don't care how much grief my siblings gave me, I enjoyed myself and would do it again.
The bluffs are beautiful and a wonderful place to find "rocky" treasures.
I encourage you to go on a trip by yourself and have an adventure.  Hopefully, you can share some of the details of your trip with me.

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