Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Annual Christmas Book Gifting

Every Christmas, an old high school friend and I gift each other with a book.  We send to each other a book of our choosing, with high hopes that the other will like the book that was gifted to her (at least that's my hope).  It started sometime in 2008 or 2009, where she gifted to me a book that I already read and owned, and I gifted to her a cookbook.  Since that time, we've been sending the other a book as a gift.  It was so unintentional, but has turned into a tradition that I love.  It's so low key, there are no expectations, and I enjoy the surprise of discovering what book she sent to me.  I'd rather have a book than some kind of trinket or Christmas "junk."  I also love giving away books too.

So, I've read every book she's sent to me.  I will admit that I've enjoyed some more than others, and I'm sure that's true of her too.  I've read every book I've sent to her (or have it on my "to read list").  I wonder if she's read all the books she's sent to me.  Anyhow, I'd love to have a conversation with her one of these days and talk about the books we've been sending to one another.

I've already received her book for this year.  As usual, I'm always a bit late in sending mine, but at least I've gotten my book already picked out and partially packaged.  I hope she likes the book.  I think I'm going to start keeping track of the books I've sent to her so that I don't send her one that I've already given to her (yeah, I'm so old that I'm beginning to forget).

Do you have any Christmas traditions with family members or friends that you'd like to share?

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