Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I was talking with an old friend last night and was reminded of the madness that was my life.  It was nice to go down memory lane, but sometimes it was also painful to relive certain memories.  Of course, I was also reminded of all the people that were integral to my life and helped make it more bearable.

I remember my chaotic family and all the struggles we went through.  I also remembered the struggles I had as an individual, trying to establish myself while away from my family.  I have to say, during those tough times in my life, I am very appreciative that I had certain people in my life.  For example, while during college, I am glad I had my sister.  I know we had our difficulties and rough moments, but I love her dearly and I love her for the times she was there for me.  

Also, during college, I am appreciative for my beau at the time.  He was my crutch and my world during that time.  Despite our differences, the angst, and the fact that we were so young, I hope he knows that I loved him fiercely and with abandon.  I still wonder why he was with me for so long, but regardless, I wouldn't have survived my time in college without him.

I am also appreciative for my Friend, who was my beau while in Minnesota.  I too wonder why he was with me for so long, but regardless, I KNOW that it is because of him that I survived my experience in Minnesota and came out whole.  I love him and I know that there is still much about love that I need to learn from him.  I don't know how it is that he came into my life, and I still wonder how it is that I ever deserved his love and his time.  Thank you, Friend.

I hope that you get a chance to tell those that have greatly affected you, how grateful you are to them.  Have you had a chance to thank them, if not in person than in a prayer?


Anonymous said...

You have such wonderful memories of your sister and your two beau, but "If I could give you one thing in life it would the ability to see yourself through my eyes. For only then you would truly understand just how special you are to me!"

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, whoever you are, thank you for your comment. You almost made me cry. You are too generous to me. Considering everything that has been going on in my life lately, I wonder how I can be special to anyone. I've been a wretched person to some people and I'm still so sorry for being so wretched. Thank you for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

"Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will ever seek the light" by Bruce Lee. Now that you seen the light moved forward with your life. CHANGE, Is one of the hardest lesson in life, is letting go. Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss or betrayal. Change is never easy. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go but moving will set you free. It's good to know who got you there but don't let it confuse where you are going?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, thank you for the reminder. The people that got me to where I am, they all know how to contact me. If they want to move forward with me, they will let me know and will contact me.

Unknown said...

You spelled boo wrong.

Unknown said...
