Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday's Quote: Joseph Roux

"When unhappy, one doubts everything; when happy, one doubts nothing."---Joseph Roux


I will spare you my thoughts about how the above quote applies to relationships, especially my sad relationships.  Yes, no more talk about my sad relationships (I'm sure you're tired of reading about it and even I'm tired of living through it).  Today, I will apply the above quote to my writing.

I have been trying to write on a consistent basis.  I'm not as consistent as I'd like to be, but I am trying.  When I'm able to silence the critic inside of me, I have no doubts and I believe in what I'm writing.  Now, when the inner critic gets the best of me, I become unhappy and doubt myself and my abilities.  I hate when I doubt myself, not that doubting is such a bad thing.  The real problem is that I am my biggest critic (really, I am).  I'm really tough on myself and hardly ever give myself a break.  I'm always pointing out my own errors to myself and wonder how I could be better.  I've realized that I need to be less harsh on myself. 

I have found that I'm not alone, and that other writers are feeling what I'm feeling and go through similar emotions.  It does make me feel a little bit better and it makes me realize that I really do need to silence the inner critic and to follow my intuition, happy or unhappy.

What makes you doubt everything when happy, yet makes you doubt nothing when happy?


Anonymous said...

Press forward with your writing. I like to see the end result?

My Favorite Things said...

Thank you for the encouragement, Anonymous. I am pressing forward and I believe that it will come to fruition. I really need to follow my schedule and I know that I have friends who are more than happy to read it. I do hope that you will get to share the end result with you (and all of the world), I really do.