Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sometimes Forgetting the Past is Best

Someone told me that one should never forget the past because it's what makes one stronger.  I don't disagree with this person's statement, but I also don't totally agree with it.

I look back into my past and know that there have been many experiences that have made me stronger.  Yet, I also know that sometimes things in my past should just stay there and be forgotten.  I have to admit that in my love life, I should've just let go and forgotten about my ghosts.  I realize that I've had a hard time letting go and forgetting, which have allowed these ghosts to continue to move forward with me.

I'm tired.  My heart is tired.  It's time to forget the past and to move on.  This time, I will not allow the ghosts from my past to continue to hitchhike with me.  No more.  Time to let go of my past and my ghosts, and to forget.  It's time to make new memories.

Good bye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's right girl....then just "DO"...it.