Sunday, May 19, 2013

Signs of Spring

There's a rhythm to the changing seasons.  Living in an area that has all four seasons, I look forward to the signs indicating that a new season is finally coming in.  I am a bit perturbed when the signs are not present when I most expect it, yet I am satisfied when it finally shows up.
This spring, as late as it is, I am very happy to see my plum blossoms blooming (it's one of the earliest to bloom), and I'm excited to see the little buds growing on my crab apple tree.  This year, I thought that it might not survive because somebody trimmed and pruned it last summer without my permission (it was a nice gesture, but the timing was off).  I love seeing the baby maple leaves unfurled against the blue sky and shiny water.  I even noticed a little toad in my garden.
I'm still waiting for the rest of my spring flowers to awaken.  I know summer is already right around the corner, but I'm still waiting.
How is your spring so far this year?  Did you even get a spring?

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