Saturday, April 27, 2013

Productive Saturday

I don't understand Minnesota's weather.  Earlier this week it was cold (about 20 degrees F) and it snowed about five to eight inches of snow.  Then, today, the end of the week, it's 70 degrees F outside.  It's so warm, I'm even wearing shorts today.

Knowing the weather was going to be wonderful, I was so happy this morning that I got up early and started on my yard work.  I worked the soil in my raised beds and in my little garden.  I even planted my potatoes, carrots, onions, peas, and radishes.  I also took out my blackberry plants (just too hard to maintain) and some of the established grape vines on the southern side of my house (also, too hard to maintain).  As much as I would like to keep those grape vines, I thought it was best to use that area to grow more food and flowers that I love.  That area gets the most sunlight and is the warmest spot on my land; thus, it's perfect for growing tomatoes and hot chili peppers.  

Lastly, I cleared out some of the other vegetation around my yard, fertilized and mulched my blueberry plants, and took out some of the older branches from my raspberry patch.  I'm tired but I want to move around and be outside because the weather's so great.

What did you do today?  Did you partake in a race, a picnic, or did you also garden?

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