Tuesday, December 4, 2012

More Natural Cleansers

My goal of finding a more natural facial moisturizer has set me off on a road towards finding and/or making more natural cleansers to use on my body.  I may have stated this before, but I'm really not a super feminine "fru fru" type of gal.  I love wash and go hair, I like wearing jeans and t-shirts, and I love my sandals.  Thus, it's no surprise that when it comes to body products (e.g. shampoo, soap, etc.,), I love going with the basics and products that don't require a lot of my time to use.  I don't like spending a lot money on that type of stuff either and I'm often not interested in trying new products.  Furthermore, I've become very smell sensitive with each passing year, and I find that perfumed/scented products, even if lightly perfumed/scented, can bring out my allergies.
With the oil cleaning routine I've started to implement, assuming it goes well, I don't intend on looking back at purchasing or trying out any more cleansers from the store.  I've started looking into using/making other natural products for moisturizing and bathing.  For example, I've read that almond oil makes a great moisturizer (so does olive oil and apricot seed oil) and almond oil may feel a lot lighter (especially compared to olive oil) on the skin.  Of course, I'll blog about it when I get my almond oil.  I've also finally started learning a lot more about castile soap (yes, it's also another blog post waiting to happen) and making my own castile soap (also, another blog post waiting to happen).  I actually hope to make castile bar soaps this weekend and share the process with you.
Do you use organic and/or natural products to moisturize/bathe with?


Anonymous said...

Good to know

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I'll continue to post about natural soap products. Like I said, I hope to make some soap soon. I'd love to send some of my homemade bar soaps to family and friends.