Sunday, December 23, 2012

Asian Indian Inspired Mixed Vegetables

I have a hard time eating more vegetables during the winter time.  Lets face it, fresh vegetables are hard to come by and, when it's super cold outside, I want some thing hardy that will stick to my gut.  Unfortunately, the easier option is to increase my consumption of bread and cheese.  Yet, I haven't totally given up and most recently I've found a way to eat more vegetables.
About a week ago I was at the mall and got dinner at  fast food Asian Indian restaurant.  The mixed vegetables looked interesting but appetizing enough for me to try.  It was a good thing I tried the mixed vegetable dish because it was quite yummy.  I looked at the vegetables in the dish and decided that I could make it at home, especially since I already had most of the vegetables at home. I also felt that this dish was a great way for me eat more vegetables during the winter.
The following is my interpretation of the mixed vegetable dish I had.  I feel as if it's missing something, but it's still pretty yummy.  The following recipe isn't exact and more could be added or omitted, but it's really yummy.
Asian Indian Inspired Mixed Vegetables
2 to 3 roma frozen tomatoes
1 onion, roughly diced
2 medium potatoes, roughly diced 
1 carrot, roughly diced
1/2 C of frozen peas (or about a cup of frozen peas and carrots)
1/2 C of frozen beans
2 teaspoon of garam masala*
1 teaspoon of turmeric
2 pieces of preserved lemon rind (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
1.  In a saucepan, over medium heat, put in the tomatoes.  Let the tomatoes cook down for about five minutes.  Cover the pan with a lid.
2.  Add the onions and potatoes.  Cook for about another ten minutes.  Remember to stir and cover the pan with the lid.
3.  Add the carrots, frozen peas, and beans.  Add the garam masala, lemon rind, salt and pepper.  Stir and cover the pan with the lid.
4.  Cook for about another ten minutes, or when potatoes are soft and frozen vegetables are cooked, but not overly cooked through.
5. Serve the mixed vegetables with rice or naan bread.
*Garam Masala is an Asian Indian spice that one can buy or concoct.  The following is a quick and easy recipe for garam masala: 


Anonymous said...

Yummy.... I could eat it all. Big Apatite

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Big Apatite (or "Appetite"). I'm glad that you think you could eat it all. I had some leftover for breakfast and lunch. It's so yummy.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

I am really glad u like to eat indian food. I am actually really good at making indian food now. :)
Living with indians for years paid off. Not just that, I love looking for new recipes online. You should try the spinach with Paneer (saag paneer). It's probably my favorite dish ever! Eggplant curry comes in second. When I come and visit, we can cook indian all day, all night! Believe it or not, I actually don't know how to make any indian dishes with meat in it. All the indian people i ever lived with were all vegetarians. So they didn't know how to cook meat at all. funny, huh! considering, I am near carnivore myself!

My Favorite Things said...

Okay, so when are you going to come visit me? We need to cook and make food together. You can use my oils to wash your face and try my homemade soaps too.

Anonymous said...

"I looked at the vegetables in the dish and decided that I could make it at home". I have a revelation for you MFT - anything you can buy as a takeaway food, you can make at home.  ツ