Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monster Dash 2012: Clowning Around

My little umbrella (that I held and ran with the entire race), my neon green tutu, and my wig.
This past Saturday I jogged the Monster Dash again. Unlike last year, I only ran the 5k instead of the half marathon. This year, my co-worker and I decided on a circus theme. I was supposed to be a bearded tattoo lady, but it never came to frutition (just blame it on a lack of planning on my part and a very busy work schedule).  So, I joined my friend and dressed up as a clown for the race.
A side picture of the purple clown car with all the "clowns" sticking out.  My friend is wearing silver sequined shirt.
My friend, unlike me, was an awesome clown.  She built a clown car, attached "clown" dolls to the car (to make it look like a bunch of clowns were coming out of the car), and wore the car throughout the entire race.  I will have to say that it was fun seeing all the costumes, but I was a bit disappointed that there weren't that many participants wearing costumes (especially since this was a 5k and not a half marathon).  I think I had a lot more fun last year running in the half marathon.  We're thinking that we might just run the half marathon again next year.  We're already thinking what costumes to wear next year.  Of course, I hope to actually follow through and make my costume next year.
My rainbow tights and my medal.


Anonymous said...

Need to do that someday? It sound so fun and exciting to wear all the stuff and run. Runner

Anonymous said...

No pictures neng?


My Favorite Things said...

Mein, I just added the pictures. My laptop is dead so I haven't had access to my pictures, my blog, and to a computer (all at once).

Anonymous, I do hope that you participate in the Monster Dash someday. It's actually quite fun to do and it really is exciting. If you ever do run in it, let me know.

Unknown said...

These dolls look, as Kiki would say..."Scally"!