Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Strawberry Picking

 [Taken June 16, 2012.]


Anonymous said...

Is that enough for a bite? G

My Favorite Things said...

G, it was enough for a bite or two, and even for some jam (that I burned). Strawberry season was very short this year due to the odd weather. Next year, I'm telling myself, I will pick more and not burn my strawberry jam.

Anonymous said...

I most forgot you did burnt some strawberry jam a few blogs back...;p G

Unknown said...

How do I get the strawberries to grow? I babied my strawberries for months with water and sun; and only a handful grew to the size of my pinky nail. I got mad and rooted half of the strawberries. The other half in the soil are BROWN now since I stopped watering them.

My Favorite Things said...

Sister, you have to be patient. BTW, you will get strawberries the SECOND year, not the first. I'd recommend that you replant your strawberries and water those that aren't already dead.

Unknown said...

Oh dang...the strawberry plants are brown and wilted but i will start to water again. Why doesn't anyone tell us it takes at least a year to grow. Oh and btw, one of my blueberry tree looks like a brittle twig now. Not sure what's going on. :(