Saturday, July 21, 2012

More Potatoes

I decided to expand the types of potatoes I intend to grow next spring.  Last year, I purchased potatoes from the farmer's market and saved a couple of potatoes to plant earlier this spring.

At the farmer's market this past Thursday, I picked up three different kinds of potatoes to add to the three potatoes that I intend to grow again (I'm growing fingerling potatoes, a Yukon-type of potatoes, and some red potatoes). 

The first potato has a pinky, almost magenta, skin.  The inside of that potato is pink veined.  The second potato has a flesh colored skin with pink undertones and the inside is light yellow.  The last potato is purple and the flesh is tinged purple.  I already made a potato hash out of these potatoes, and the second potato seems to do well being pan fried.  Of course, all three potatoes were super yummy in my tummy.  Even my obnoxious nephew told me that the potatoes were really good (even though he originally told me he didn't like potatoes).  I'll save a couple of the potatoes to sprout and grow next spring.

Do you have potatoes growing in your garden?  Do you intend to grow potatoes in your garden?


Anonymous said...

It does look very yummy. I wish I had some growing in my garden? G

Unknown said...

I need to learn how to grow potatoes. As easy as it sounds, something always goes wrong. Bring me one of each potato when you come here so we can test it out in my garden.

My Favorite Things said...

Sister, if I don't bring those potatoes home, I will order you some. Hopefully, you'll know how to plant the potatoes and actually recognize the plants.