Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finally Getting Started...Reupholstery Update

Today, there was an explosion under one of the manholes at work, which cut off a lot of power.  My work building was one that was affected.  What did this mean?  Well, it meant that I came home. Since I was coming home, I decided that I was going to be semi-productive too.  In addition to relocating and replanting some of my Mara de Bois strawberry plants and rearranging my kitchen (this included throwing away non-matching tupperware pieces), I finally decided to start reupholstering one of my chairs.

I eventually started working on one of the blue chairs because it was easier to take out staples than to try and pull nails out.  I'm trying to take pictures of what I'm doing so that I may have something to reference later on when I try to put the chair back together again.  I'm already noticing that I definitely need to get new foam.  I'm still working on taking out the rest of the staples (such a big pain in the rear).  Lets hope that this doesn't become a "forever project" (a term used by my former beau to describe some of my endeavors).  I'll keep you all updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its about time you started your chair project. I was hoping when I will see new life in those chairs! Can't wait to see your post on them.