Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday's Quote: Immanuel Kant

"To be is to do."---Immanuel Kant

For the longest time, I feel as if I've been putting my life on hold.  I don't know if I can fully explain what I just wrote.  I feel as if I have been living my life, but at the same time I feel as if there's a part of me that's been put on hold.

Lately, I feel as if parts of my life have been stagnant and it's time for a change.  I think I just need to figure out what exactly I want my life to be and from there, just do what's required to get to where I need to be.  I realize that I need to move onto the next phase of my life, whatever that may mean.  I'm afraid, and of course I'm scared of making a mistake that can't be undone.  Yet, to be is to do.  I must do something.

What about you?  Have you been in the same situation as I'm in?


Anonymous said...

Don't be afraid. Figure out what you want in life and chase it. Have faith in yourself. -C

My Favorite Things said...

C, thank you so very much for your comment. I will try my best to not be afraid. You are right in that I need to figure out what it is I want in my life and to chase it. Thank you so much. I will try to have faith in myself.

Anonymous said...

I agree with C. I generally follow my heart, because no else knows you better then yourself. Looks as you have a very hard decision ahead of you. No matter which path you take just know no one will be there for you except yourself and your spouse. How would you learn if you don't make mistake? I know some mistake are hard to undone but its a life long lesson! And sometime you'll never get that chance again? G