Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rhubarb Lime Ginger Jam

I had great intentions to jam today.  (I won't go into detail about my unsuccessful attemptI burned my strawberry jam).  I was successful in my first attempt at making rhubarb lime ginger jam.  The rhubarb used for this jam came were harvested from my garden.  
The jam is tangy, sweet, and sour.  All of the flavors just go so well together.  I think the recipe below is easily adaptable.  For example, the recipe would've turned out fine with the juice of only one lime, but I added the juice of an extra lime because I didn't want the jam to be runny at all.  (The jam is soft and spreadable.)  At the same time, if you wanted the jam to be a little bit more sour and less sweet, 1/4 cup of sugar could be omitted from the recipe below. 

Rhubarb Ginger Lime Jam

1.5 pounds of chopped up rhubarb (use only the stems and NOT the leaves)
2 whole limes juiced and zest 1 of the limes
1 inch piece of ginger, grated
1  1/2 Cups of sugar

1.   Combine the rhubarb, lime juice, zest, ginger, and sugar in a large bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight.
2.   Put the rhubarb mixture along with any juices from the bowl into a medium pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring constantly, until the mixture has thickened.  The rhubarb will begun to break down.  It will thicken more as it cools.
3.  Put into clean sterilized jars and refrigerate.  Otherwise, you could also can the jam in a hot water bath, which was what I did (I left a 1/4 quarter head space in each jar and I boiled the jars for ten minutes).  
If you want canning instructions, please check out the following website:


Anonymous said...

Looks like you have been busy...jamming.

My Favorite Things said...

It's jamming season. I might try and pick more strawberries this weekend, and try my hand at making strawberry jam again. This time, I'll get more sleep and really try to pay attention to what I'm doing.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Don't use LEAVES! LOL! that's funny! why not? it's only poisonous!

Aplysia Oceanography said...

NV, have you ever tried Lingonberry jam? They have some at IKEA and it is just so GOOD. whew. I need to go and buy some whenever I go back towards that part of town.

My Favorite Things said...

Aplysia Oceanography, YES the LEAVES ARE POISONOUS. So you don't want to eat or use the leaves in any culinary ways, other than throwing it in the compost bin. As for the lingonberry jam, no, I haven't tried it. But I LOVE LOVE their lingonberry soda. I always go back for thirds, fourths, and fifths. I'll try it next time. Want me to send to you some of my jam?

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Yes, please send me some jam. I would like to try some! :) I won't die, right? It isn't poisonious??? because i wanna wake up tomorrow so that I can play dress up! :)

Anonymous said...

I've notice you post here from time to time again! By the way, how's your training coming a long with P90X? Those dress look beautiful. Do you wear them to a ball or event? Barney