Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday's Quote: Anais Nin

"Dreams are necessary to life."---Anais Nin

I think that because I live in a country that allows me to dream and sometimes encourages me to dream, I know that I have been very lucky so far in my life.  I don't think I'm an amazing person or that I'm even all that great.  I'm average and I've lead an average life.  Yet, I look back on my life and the paths that I've traversed to get to where I am today, and I am thankful for such a beautiful and bountiful life, and for being able to just dream.  I continue to dream about what my life could be and I continue to strive towards what it is that I want.  Of course, I recognize that it's not always easy, and sometimes not always possible to achieve all of my dreams in my lifetime, but it doesn't hurt to keep on dreaming.

What do you dream about your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always good to dream big and fall in between. It sounds like you have done well for yourself and you are living the life you want. I agree with you to always look back and review your past to adjust to your current situation and future...