Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Noshing on Strawberries

I’m selfish.  I’ll admit it.  I don’t want to share with the animals.  For the last couple of days I have been picking and eating my semi-ripe Mara des Bois strawberries, noshing on one or two a day.  Even though the strawberries aren’t fully ripe, they are still sweet.  My semi-ripe strawberries are even sweeter than the fully “ripe” ones from the stores.  Imagine how sweet the berries would be if they were fully ripe.

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve temporarily forsaken store bought strawberries.  Thus, I’ve been craving strawberries, especially when I see it in front of me, slowly ripening to a scarlet red.  The first two strawberries that I got in my garden, the animals got to.  It was even more disappointing when I discovered that the animals didn’t even eat all of the berries, but pecked away at a bit of the fruit.  So, until I have more berries, I will continue to nosh away on semi-ripe strawberries.

As for the “stray” strawberry plants, I think that it may be an alpine strawberry because the fruit are so small.  In the picture above, the two small strawberries in the top left are from my stray strawberry plants.  I’m thinking of replanting those strawberry plants in and around my garden beds.  I will then put that raised bed to good use, either planting other vegetables there or plant more Mara des Bois strawberries.  I’m even thinking of adding another raised bed or two to my garden.


Anonymous said...

Even though strawberries are sweet sometime I like to slice it up and mix with sugar. G

My Favorite Things said...

Hi G. I like to do that too. I think that this year, if I choose to go to a "U pick" farm and pick lots of strawberries, I'll preserve some of my strawberries by slicing it up, mixing it with sugar, and then freezing it. Of course, my most favorite way of preserving strawberries is through jamming.

Anonymous said...

I like to freeze my strawberries too...except I'm not a jammer. Thinking back when I was a kid growing in the west and my parents were strawberry grower. I use too pick and slice to mix with sugar and store it in the freezer for a hot day to enjoy some cool strawberries freeze! G