Monday, June 11, 2012

I've Got Garlic Scapes

For the last two weeks, the garlic scapes have been popping out of my garlic plants and I've been harvesting one or two at a time.  I've been cutting up the garlic scapes and throwing it into my noodle soups.  When cooked, it tastes like a crunchy mild garlic.  It's quite yummy.
Why I worried about not getting garlic scapes in the first place, I have no idea.  In case if you're wondering what exactly garlic scapes are, the scapes are the curly budding part of the garlic plant that is supposed to turn into a flower.  The scape is cut off so that the garlic plant can focus its energy on making a bigger garlic bulb and not go into flower production.  As I've stated before, it's the hard neck variety of garlic that has the scapes and not the soft neck variety.  I guess I now know that my garlic is the hard neck variety.  
It's pretty obvious, but I'm already dreaming of planting my garlic crop for next year.  Of course, I'm shouldn't be rushing myself and over anticipate until I fully harvested my first crop, but I'm just so excited.  

Have you tasted garlic scapes before?  What crop in your garden are you eagerly anticipating?


Anonymous said...

What dish can I make with them?

Aplysia Oceanography said...

What is garlic scrapes?? Well, all i read was Noodle and now I need a bowl of noodles. Thanks alot nv! I'm gonna go and make some noodles now.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, you can search on the website using "garlic scape recipes" and LOTS of recipes will come up. Like I said, I mainly cut the scapes into pieces and throw it into my noodle soup. It's so yummy that way.

Aplysia Oceanography, don't mention it. Hope you made a bowl of yummy soup.