Saturday, May 19, 2012

Containerized Oak Tree

 Life has been busy.  Work has occupied too much of my life, but I am thankful for the few handful of friends who have been able to drag me away from work and keep my mind on other things.  Yesterday, I stayed with a friend who showed me her little Japanese maple bonsai.  Even though it was small and a bonsai, she intended to grow the little sapling (in my opinion it looked more like a twig with leaves) as a containerized tree.
Of course I thought it was a wonderful idea and got to thinking about how I could grow another containerized tree.  I didn't want to purchase a plant because I had so many volunteer saplings growing in my own yard.  In fact, I noticed two volunteer oak tree seedlings growing in my containerized lime tree.  I think the squirrel must have planted the acorns in the container last fall.
I dug out one of the oak tree seedling and potted it in its own container.  I still need to figure out what to do with the other seedling.  Anyhow, I'm hoping that my potted seedling will grow and become a wonderful little tree for my home.

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