Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cherry Surprises

I've been a little absentminded lately.  This week I posted my "Wordless Wednesday" picture on Tuesday April 17th because I thought the 17th was Wednesday.  Oh well . . .  I blame it on work.  I've been a bit busy.  Yet, yesterday, I wasn't too busy to notice at my door a badly wrapped package just for me.  At first I thought it was a very long fishing pole meant for my ex beau, but upon closer inspection I discovered it was the two cherry trees I ordered earlier in the year.  How exciting.

I will most likely plant the trees this coming weekend.  The weather here has gotten a bit chilly and I am afraid of a potential frost, which might not harm my trees, but I just want to err on the safe side and plant the trees during a warmer time period.  I'll blog about the trees once the trees are planted.  I promise that at that time I will reveal what kind of cherry trees I got.  I just can't wait until next year.  So excited.


Anonymous said...

Keep us posted once you have them planted! SS

My Favorite Things said...

SS, thank you for your interest in my cherry trees. I just posted something up today about my two cherry trees. Lets hope these two trees survive the stressful journey to my house and into the ground. Wish me luck.