Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Resolutions?

When I was younger, I would make New Year's resolutions at the beginning of each year.  Like many resolutions, it became forgotten or ignored as the year passed by.  At some point, as I got older, I realized that it was pointless to make resolutions if I wasn't going to follow through.  I also felt that resolutions were a short term solution and meant only to be achieved during that year; thus, once achieved, (or forgotten/ignored) it's forgotten.  So I decided that each year, I would strive to make myself and my life a little bit better.  I found that this method worked a lot better because I actually worked on some component of my life and many of the changes I made continued to be with me year after year.

So this year, I told myself that I would like to work on several aspects of my personal life.  For example, I want to be more patient with my family members and I want to communicate more often with them so that I can get to know them better.  At the same time, I also want to be more thoughtful of people and put them higher on my priority list.  In reflecting on this past year, I realized that I focused too much on work and work related deadlines that I often forgot to return people's calls, email, texts, and letter correspondences.  It's not intentional and I know many understand that I do have a pretty hectic schedule.  Yet, don't we all have busy schedules, and I realized that busy or not, I need to be more prompt in responding back to people.  Lastly, I told myself that I need to follow through on many of my projects.  I feel as if this is something I have been working on for a while now, but I will follow through on my projects.  I will start and finish some of my projects (e.g. the reupholstery of my chairs).

So do you make New Year's resolutions?  What aspect of your life would you like to improve?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good new years resolution.