Sunday, January 22, 2012

It Will Snow . . .

I don't think I post enough pictures on my blog depicting the snow and cold.  So, for today I thought I might as well put up pictures showing the weather around my area.  The pictures were taken about a week ago, on January 14th, but they are still reflective of the weather outside (and my mood). I think you can barely see the outline of the sun in the picture below, although it almost looks like a snowflake.

It was really really cold last week and there has been a little snow.  I don't mind it snowing, so long as it's only an inch or two.  Then, there is a day or two where the sun might peek through the clouds, but for the most part it has been dark and dreary.  Well, I think it's time I find a good book to read and distract me from all this dreariness.

Hope all is well in your world.  Hope it's not so cold and dreary where you are at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sure does look dreary and cold in your neck of the woods.